Change my world

by April Ormand
(Bessemer City, NC)

I decided to take my 11 year old niece out to get some ice cream. She is used to my usual diabetic things that I do before I eat. I will never forget this trip. I went to check my sugar and I noticed a lady walk in with a small girl around the age of three. She kept staring at me. I was like okay let's throw our trash away and get out of here. I went to stand and she just ran over to me and gave me a hug. I was kinda freaked out. Her mom came over and apologized and asked the girl why she ran off like that. She told her "mommy I met my new best friend and I'm not the only person in the world with diabetes." I was amazed at how this 3 year old girl could handle being a diabetic since I was diagnosed at age 10. Her mom and I are still in contact with each other and I talk on the phone with her a lot. Not only did I change her life, but she gave me inspiration to never give in to diabetes. 

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Aug 13, 2011
That's awesome!
by: Miriam from

Thank you so much for submitting your story! What a great story and a great message to other diabetics! Don't give up and let diabetes take control of you. You have to take control of your diabetes. My slogan is "Die-Or-Beat-This" which is kind of a cute slogan meaning, if you don't take care of your diabetes, or beat your diabetes, you will die. So it is very important to pass on this message to other young people with diabetes that want to just give up and die. Thanks again!


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