Living with diabetes, and loosing to diabetes.

by Taya Green
(Mishawaka, Indiana, United States)

I'm 13 years old, and I was diagnosed with type one diabetes at the age of 6. I have recently had trouble taking care of myself. I do all of my own testing, and I'm on the insulin pump. Lately I don't know if it's embarassment, or just sick of it, I haven't been testing and taking insulin like I should. In February my cousin passed away from his diabetes. His blood sugar went low in the middle of the night. You might just think this is just a sad story, but what makes it hard to believe is that he was in college to be a diabetic doctor... so the fact that he was one of the most educated people, and took such good care of himself should hopefully make you realize how careful you really need to be with diabetes. It happens to the best of us, but especially if you aren't being careful.

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Apr 22, 2011
by: Judie

Wow Taya, that's sad for your family. My sympathies for sure. I am glad and thankful however, that you shared this. If it will help someone else take the care of their diabetes seriously, your cousin's death wasn't for nothing.

I am a mother of a teen who has Type 1 diabetes, and I have often worried about her nighttime readings being too low. Truthfully, it scares me when I dwell on it, but I can trust her b/c she has proven to me that she is watching her sugar levels for the past 5 years.

Keep taking good care of your diabetes Taya! You have a lot to share with others.

Apr 22, 2011
by: Miriam from

Thank you Taya for your thoughts! It's great to hear from young people who share the same experiences as so many others. Thank you also for stressing that it is so important to take care of yourself. I have had some of the same experiences as yourself. There have been times I haven't tested as much as I should and you are right, it does you no good! Also, I wanted to congratulate you on your pump choice ;) I also have an animas and I like it a lot! It seems to be a great choice after using the Cozmore. Keep up the great work!

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